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Pricey Proposition

moscow mitch, election security, rusal, putin, trump, corruption, kentucky, cartoon, sage stossel

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Burnout in the Time of Trump

trump chaos, faceapp, aging, william barr, newsflashes, cats trailer, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the rest of the cartoon at The Boston Globe.
Click to see the rest of the cartoon here.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Party Faces

the squad, ilhan omar, send her back, trump rally, racism, g.o.p., cartoon, sage stossel

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Suffolk Downs Gives Way to Encore Boston Harbor (Boston Globe cartoon)

suffolk downs, encore casino, seabiscuit, revere, east boston, everett, gambling, wagering, horses, horseracing, gaming license, sports, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe.
Click to see the cartoon here.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Where We’re Headed…

trump, violations of rule of law, ignored subpoenas, executive privilege, career counseling, advice, future, government, democracy, justice, impunity, barr, jobs, declining industry, cartoon, sage stossel
Click to see the the cartoon at The
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Scenes from the next recession (Boston Globe cartoon)

weather, mueller report, william barr, trump, corruption, avengers, theranos, rain, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Today’s dads aren’t what they used to be (Boston Globe cartoon)

fathers, patriarchy, toxic masculinity, paternity leave, fatherhood, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon.
Click to see the Welcome to the Bad Mommy Zoo.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Visiting President Trump’s Washington, D.C. (Boston Globe cartoon)

Washington DC, trump era, trump hotel, tourists, national archives, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe.
Click to see the cartoon here.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

This month’s forecast: cloudy with a chance of bad news (Boston Globe cartoon)

weather, mueller report, william barr, trump, corruption, avengers, theranos, rain, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe.
Click to see the cartoon here.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Boston braces for impending caravan (Boston Globe cartoon)

elizabeth warren, universal childcare, parenting, preschool, mothers, college admissions scandal, single parents, workforce, kids, cartoon, sage stossel

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe. Click to see the cartoon here.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]