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House of Cards – Russia, Trump, and the Ongoing Political Drama (Boston Globe cartoon)

kevin spacey, house of cards, russia, trump, jeff sessions, collusion, george papadapoulos, robert mueller, manafort, indictments, trolls, stranger things, putin, cartoon

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe. Or here (clearer image).

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Consoler in Chief

trump, gold star families, niger soldiers, phone calls, frederica wilson, widow, La David Johnson, condolence, grief, five stages, cartoon
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

The strangest thing about the NFL protests (Washington Post cartoon)

kaepernick, trump, nfl, kneeling, national anthem, football, divisiveness, eric reid, espn, jemele hill, teen vogue, cartoon

Click to see the cartoon at The Washington Post.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

A Nation Under the Gun (Boston Globe cartoon)

hurricane irma, hurricane harvey, powerball jackpot, wildfires oregon, montana, california, mexico earthquake, global warming, cartoon

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe.

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

IT Strikes Again…

cassidy-graham, health care, repeal and replace, reconciliation, it clown, medicare, republicans, cartoon
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Natural Disasters Are Spreading (Boston Globe cartoon)

hurricane irma, hurricane harvey, powerball jackpot, wildfires oregon, montana, california, mexico earthquake, global warming, cartoon

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe. Or here (clearer image.)

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Apres le deluge…

hurricane harvey, houston, trump, disaster, aftermath, cartoon
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

White House renovations can’t fix the deeper problems (Boston Globe cartoon)

white house renovations, trump administration, crumbling base, debt ceiling, climate change, scott pruitt, tweets, fly infestation, white house leaks

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe. Or here (clearer image).

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Another Monument Comes Down…

trump press conference, charlottesville, both sides, white supremacists, nazis, civil war monuments, presidential seal, cartoon
Click to see the the cartoon at The
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Dangerous Game

trump threaten north korea, fire and fury, guam, kim jong un, nuclear weapons, cartoon
Click to see the the cartoon at The
[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]